Lifting units & pumps
Accumulating wastewater and rainwater cannot be drained off if the sewer is higher than the sanitary facility. In this case, a lifting unit must be used.
To ensure that the lifting unit is optimally designed for all local conditions, the pump capacity must be dimensioned according to the specifications of DIN EN 12056-4 to ensure that the pump can convey the determined flow rate to the desired height.
According to DIN EN 12056-4, lifting stations should also be serviced regularly by a specialist. For single-family homes with private use, at least one maintenance per year is required, for apartment buildings two and for commercial use four. The maintenance cycle should always be adapted to the age and use of the system.
RohrStar service technicians are highly trained and prepared to troubleshoot and make necessary repairs. New systems are also supplied and installed by RohrStar.