Toilet clogged? Sink leaky? Cellar under water?

Freedom for your pipe

Our 24-hour service helps immediately!


Fixed prices for the removal of acute pipe blockages

We have established a transparent pricing system for our customers
to ensure the most cost-effective way for you!

The colors of our fixed prices refer to the
possible blockage areas, which we have shown on the
right in the schematic house drawing on the right.

We do not charge for travel to and from the site!


Our fixed prices Mo - Fr, from 8h to 17h

Information about our likewise favorable fixed prices
for emergency service times or for weekends and
Holidays will be pleased to give you our order acceptance!

Prices incl. VAT.

*according to local sewage regulations

24 hours emergency service pipe cleaning

Step 1

Order acceptance pipe cleaning

Rohrverstopfung Auftragsannahme

Our emergency service for pipe cleaning Bad Salzungen is manned 24 hours/day, i.e. at any time of the day or night - no matter if during the week or on weekends.

In the conversation with our disposition you describe your problem, so that we get a first impression what has to be done and which equipment will be necessary for it. We will then be able to tell you what costs you are likely to incur. Please understand that this cost estimate can only be confirmed on site once our technician has examined the actual extent of the damage.

Step 2

Remove pipe blockage

Remove pipe blockage

We will then schedule an appointment for one of our technicians to visit you. We always strive to be there in a time frame between 30 minutes and two hours at the most!

Once our technician is at your site, he will first check where the damage is located and discuss the work and associated costs with you; this is to ensure the most cost-effective solution for you! If further damage is detected during the work, our technician will contact you immediately to clarify the next steps.

Step 3

Acceptance pipe cleaning

Pipe blockage warranty

After completion of the work, the result will be shown to you and a detailed functional test will be carried out together with you.

Also together with you, the work certificate will be filled out and all work will be gone through again and recommendations will be given if further work is necessary (e.g. due to defective pipes). If desired, a camera tour through the "problem areas" of your pipes can be carried out and documented for you. Afterwards, you can be sure that everything is working reliably again!

Pipe cleaning and sewer cleaning

Sewer pipes and property drainage mains can become clogged over time due to buildup and incrustation (drain clogged; toilet clogged; pipe clogged; sewer clogged). These pipe blockages, in turn, can cause flooding or backups at the most inopportune times. Depending on the requirements, we work with different technical methods to clear pipe blockages and prevent them in the long term. (Pipe cleaning, drain cleaning; pipe flushing).

With the help of the latest technology, our well-trained pipe cleaners are at your disposal for pipe cleaning Bad Salzungen of all types of pipe blockages / sewer blockages 365 days a year in 24h service (emergency call pipe cleaning). This way we can ensure that blockages of a toilet, a sink, a tub or any other drain pipe (also gutters) can be cleared as quickly as possible.

Rohrreinigung und Kanalreinigung

24 hour service for all kinds of pipe blockages  036925-299000

Contact and address

of your regionally responsible franchisee of Rohrstar AG

Aquasolution Haustechnik GmbH Rohrstar for Bad Salzungen Markt 17 36433 Bad Salzungen Deutschland

Do you have special questions? Would you like more information?
We will get back to you as soon as possible.

* = mandantory



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