Toilet clogged? Sink leaky? Cellar under water?
Our 24-hour service helps immediately!
Fixed prices for the removal of acute pipe blockages
We have established a transparent pricing system for our customers
to ensure the most cost-effective way for you!
The colors of our fixed prices refer to the
possible blockage areas, which we have shown on the
right in the schematic house drawing on the right.
We do not charge for travel to and from the site!
Our fixed prices Mo - Fr, from 8h to 17h
Information about our likewise favorable fixed prices
for emergency service times or for weekends and
Holidays will be pleased to give you our order acceptance!
Prices incl. VAT.
*according to local sewage regulations
Contact and address
of your regionally responsible franchisee of Rohrstar AG
Aquasolution Haustechnik GmbH
Rohrstar for Gotha
Pfarrgasse 3